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With my knowledge I am able to achieve that even the most impotent can achieve and maintain a permanent erection for about an hour, without risk of priapism and without detrimental effects to their health.


To do so I inject a few drops of liquid in the spongy tissue of the penis causing an immediate erection with extreme arousal.


Thus I can dominate both their member and their mind and the client will feel totally subject to my will, with a large erection to compel him to control his orgasm. The sensations for the subject are of pleasure that the mistress will increase or decrease with their hands.




I can create unique sensations of anal pleasure in those who feel it intensely that they can only feel while in my hands—as always without damaging their health.


I will often put their member to sleep, depriving it of pleasure and excitement so that the individual concentrates more on their anus. They will feel the excitation that I provoke with more intensity in both the prostrate and the seminal vesicles whether with my hands, vibrators or anal plugs.

In these cases the individual usually does not ejaculate de to not having penile stimulation, but instead tends to experience enormous excitement in the anus that produces immense pleasure.

The sensations that the individual gets will be of pleasure, domination and humiliation that gradually increase or decrease, depending on how the mistress uses her knowledge.


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