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A good mistress has to be a woman with a lot of sensibility, to be cultured and with talent, to have ingenuity, to always be mentally at a level higher than that of her subject, although sometimes this may not be apparent.

Only in this way, can one assimilate this everything one needs to know, for a successful session.


A good mistress, never allows herself to submit. A good mistress has to be an educated person, with a certain level, capable of reaching the mind of the subject and superseding it in the game.

The mystery of the mistress and the sado lies in the role that she plays, exercising the role of superiority over the subject, If she loses her inaccessibility that adds charm to the game, the role-playing game becomes something completely different, to what represents the sado.

The tasks of submission and therefore of prostitution, have to be for the submissive.



The greatest virtue of a mistress is her talent that will be the source of making an intelligent and intelligible session.


A mistress without talent, would never do anything except repeat and copy and that is not the purpose of the session, the session’s progress must be made by knowing and exploring the client. This can only be done a mistress with a great artistic and intellectual capacity, capable of inventing and creating situations instantly.


That is why a mistress without talent, will never get to the mind of her subject, neither will their session be fun or constructive. It will be the talent of the mistress that will capture the attention of the subject.




The best tool of a mistress is her brain and her best instrument is her hands. A mistress has to be creative, she has to have enough imagination to invent the session in the moment, and sufficient intelligence and memory so as not to repeat the form of the experience.

When the sessions are the same, they get boring, and that monotony breaks the dependency of the submissive with the mistress.

The best instrument of the mistress must be her hands for they serve to put this creativity into practice. Her hands must have a special sensitivity including when touching or stroking.

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