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This is a highly dangerous practice, not recommended for people with heart or breathing problems.


However for those who do not suffer from these ailments, this practice can be very successful and pleasant if it is accompanied by  proper masturbation and manipulation of the individual by the mistress.


Depriving the person of oxygen for a few moments, done at very short intervals, can give one  the feeling that they can’t breathe.


To perform this practice, it is best to have the individual totally immobilized thereby making them feel more helpless.

With this practice the mistress is able to dominate and humiliate the individual.

I often carry out:

With my hand, plugging up the mouth and nose of the subjected to deprive them wholly or partly of air. This can be very morbid and very soft, as it does not imply danger.

With a mask, which causes a sensation of breathlessness, a little bit more extreme and somewhat more dangerous than if it is done only with the hand, especially if the mistress does not know how to do it.

With a plastic bag, which may lead to a real sense of panic in the individual. The feeling of suffocation is large and it is more dangerous, than if it is done by hand or with the mask.

With a vacuum bed: here the feeling of suffocation and panic can be very large, it is the most extreme of all, the individual remains depressed and without air, between two sheets of latex. You will only have a narrow tube which is adjusted to the mouth to breathe.

The vacuum bed is a special toy, very dangerous if not used properly, and not suitable for all.



This consists of stepping on the person that comes to the meeting, with due care not to damage any sensitive area of their body. It can be stepping on their back, walking on it, or on the chest, and even on the legs and genitalia.


This can be done with the mistress barefoot or with shoes. If shoes are used one must endeavor to use virtually flat shoes or with little heel, so as not to cause harm or leave marks.


The body of the mistress does not have to be heavy, and above all she has to know where and how to step, since it is a practice with a lot of risk.


The sensations that the subject gets will be pain, humiliation and domination--sensations that will the mistress will increase or decrease gradually with the force that carries the weight of her body on the body of the subject, always assisted by her vocabulary and gestures.




Sitting on someone’s face is to drop all of one’s body weight so as to crush it and making it difficult to breathe.


To perform this practice, it is important that the mistress use clothing that is soft, smooth, and without roughness as not to mark or damage the skin of the individual.


The sensations that are obtained during the meeting are those of domination, humiliation and drowning. The mistress will regulate the intensity with her vocabulary and the weight of her body.  

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