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On occasion, I will inject saline solution into the skin of the penis to increase its size covering it of small blisters that disappear almost immediately as they are reabsorbed by the body in a few minutes.

I carry out this practice without damage and without leaving any marks.


Here the sensations in addition to domination and humiliation may vary from itching, stinging, pain, to not feeling anything or having a feeling of very pleasant and enjoyable freshness. Everything depends on the liquid that accompany the serum and on the needle that used for the occasion.



Saline solution is introduced into the scrotum in order to increase its size.

This requires hygienic conditions and some medical knowledge; otherwise it can cause serious injury to the individual.

This treatment is always applied at the request of the patient, without causing any harm. The sensation for the patient apart from feeling submissive and powerless, is of freshness and swelling in the testicles, depending on the amount of fluid injected the feeling will be of greater or lesser intensity.

The amount that I usually inject varies between a quarter to half a liter, and is usually reabsorbed into the body within a few hours.

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